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  Multi-Stores multiple shop system

The following osCommerce contribution is a free Opensource code originated from official osCommerce website and provided for your reference only, you may download the original contribution file(s) and install it on your own; or you may request a Paid Installation Service from Agents Of Power; Agents Of Power does the "AS IS" installation on your website, we do not guarantee it will work properly on your website. Extra Paid service is available for repairing the problem from the original contribution or from your website.
This is just the 1 file changed to make the contribution work with Multi-Stores.
This version is based on Multi-stores v2.0 with corrections by jugeti.

Only two files changed.
1. On admin site, modules.php was always updating on first shop configuration table. I changed querys to make updates only on active shop configuration table.

2. includes/classes/shopping_cart.php. Subtotal on shopping cart was shown as 0, even if checkout process subtotals where right.

After that, I hade to define this on aplication top of each new store defined to make it work:
define('STORES_ID', 3); //1, 2, 3... n, depending on store ID
define('TABLE_CONFIGURATION', 'configuration3'); // Configuration table you define for each shop.

After this little changes everything goes OK.

THANK YOU everybody for this amazing contribution.

Esta version está basada en Multi-stores v2.0 with corrections de jugeti.
se han cambiado solo 2 archivos. En admin/modules.php se han modificado las querys para que accedan a la tabla de configuración de cada una de las tiendas.

En includes/classes/shopping_cart.php se ha hecho una pequeña modificación que hacía que en el carrito de la compra el subtotal fuera cero.

Por último, comentaros que en los aplication_top de cada una de las tiendas he tenido que incluir estas líneas para que funcionasen.

define('STORES_ID', 3); // 1, 2, 3... n, dependiendo del store ID que tenga cada una
define('TABLE_CONFIGURATION', 'configuration3'); // Tabla de configuración definida para cada tienda.

Quitando estas pequeñas cosillas, todo lo demás, me funciona perfecto. Muchísimas gracias a todos los que habeis colaborado en esta contribución.

AUTHOR: Jose Ignacio Alvarez Ruiz

The magnific Multi-Stores add-on ( allow to modify the OsCommerce structure in order to maintenance different stores. For now, and it is all that I know, the only way for duplicate a store was copying manually the folder that contains the Oscommerce installation to a well-know path.

With the modifications I suggest, when stores are going to be created, the name and password of the manager can be specified and the following will be ocurr:

* An automatic copy of your master store will be made.
* A manager for the new store will be created, without visit the 'Administrators' menu.
* If you make changes in the master store, these changes will be showed in the rest of the stores, without need of aditional changes.
* When you delete a store, the data of the manager, the data of the store and the data of database relative to this store will be deleted.


Some new text is writed in english in order to don't modify various files of the OsCommerce structure. It is necessary to define constants for each language and text.

AUTOR: José Ignacio Álvarez Ruiz

El magnífico add-on Multi-Stores ( permite modificar la estructura de OsCommerce de forma que se puedan mantener varias tiendas. Hasta ahora, por lo que yo conozco, la única forma de replicar las tiendas era copiando manualmente la carpeta con la instalación de OsCommerce a una ubicación bien conocida.

Con las modificaciones que propongo, al crear tiendas, se puede especificar el nombre y el password del gestor y ocurrirá lo siguiente:

* Se realizará una copia automática de su tienda maestra.
* Se insertará el gestor de forma automática, sin tener que pasar por el menú 'Administradores'.
* Si usted realiza cambios en la tienda maestra, éstos se reflejan en el resto de tiendas del sistema sin necesidad de cambios adicionales.
* Cuando usted elimina una tienda, se eliminan tanto los datos del gestor que la mantiene como la carpeta que contiene los datos de la tienda, así como los datos contenidos en la base de datos relativos a dicha tienda.

Por hacer:

Algunos textos nuevos están escritos en inglés para no modificar varios ficheros de la estructura de OsCommerce. Es necesario definir constantes para cada idioma y cada texto.
File is corrupt and I am having problem with zip. Trying to reload.

Here is what I changed. Hopefully monitors will allow code in description to stay in case file is corrupt again.

in original file by rmh at about line 107 look for:
# //rmh M-S_pricing

CREATE TABLE customers_groups (
customers_groups_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
customers_groups_name varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
customers_groups_type char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
customers_groups_discount varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (customers_groups_id)

INSERT INTO customers_groups (customers_groups_id, customers_groups_name) VALUES ('1', 'Retail');
INSERT INTO customers_groups (customers_groups_id, customers_groups_name) VALUES ('2', 'Wholesale');

Change it to:


CREATE TABLE customers_groups (
customers_groups_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
customers_groups_name varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
customers_groups_type char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
customers_groups_discount varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (customers_groups_id)

INSERT INTO customers_groups (customers_groups_id, customers_groups_name, customers_groups_type, customers_groups_discount) VALUES ('1', 'Retail','0', NULL);
INSERT INTO customers_groups (customers_groups_id, customers_groups_name, customers_groups_type, customers_groups_discount) VALUES ('2', 'Wholesale', '0', NULL);
Changed SQL "update.sql" Code.

customer_groups insert command corrected.

Multi-stores v2.0, with fix error 1064 on add specials and with database, (update.sql), with a corrected error in the table customers_groups and with complete packages of languages, (oscommerce more multi-stores) of Spanish, Catalan, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese and also with easy instructions to use this contribution on oscommerce-2.2rc2a.

When you finish to install oscommerce-2.2rc2a, before install Multi-stores v2.0, using PHP MyAdmin, go to the created database and delete the administrators table, after simply begin to install Multi-stores v2.0, following the instructions included in the package
Database with a corrected error in the table customers_groups of the database update.sql
   Posted on: 10/15/2008     See contribution details Request Installation with Paid service